What is “Rating Token” (TR)

“Rating Tokens”, or TR, are now given out when slot levels in the Classic program are activated.

The SFC2 token and the SFCR2 token are issued to members again.

TR Tokens are not issued for re-activation.

TR tokens are not Energy.

The System will take into account the amount of TR received by your personally invited partners.

We are starting to set up an ecosystem to launch Forcecoin, the Uniteverse program, and the Metaverse.

With NFT products and cashback tokens, TR tokens will be given out before the launch of the updated Tactile (ex-Classic) program.

In the near future, we’ll tell you more about the benefits you get from TR that you or your personally invited partners earn.

Today, we’ve reached the end of the launch path, and the change is happening right in front of your eyes.

If you went to our site meta-force.space, today, you already know that we have a new Meta Force interface.

Now, Meta Force is starting to show what it really is: a multi-layered Ecosystem in which new parts will keep showing up, bringing more and more people to our Community.

Right now, we are testing how well all of our smart contracts work together. As well as making the marketing plan’s visual parts.

Also Read: Join UniteVerse Program To Qualify For FREE ForceCoin – FREE MONEY

Also Read: Boost Affiliate Program: Meta Force Play-To-Earn Games

Also Read: Meta Force Tactile: The Meta Force Marketplace

7 responses to “What is “Rating Token” (TR)”

  1. […] issued Rating Token (TR) cannot be used as Energy. When we reveal the profit potential of these TR, their holders will be […]


  2. […] very near future, we will reveal more benefits of the Tactile program, including the benefits of TR tokens that participants receive now for activating slot […]


  3. […] this period, TR tokens are awarded for activating the levels of slots of the Tactile (Classic) […]


  4. Abubakar Salihu avatar
    Abubakar Salihu

    Notify mr anything


  5. Abubakar Salihu avatar
    Abubakar Salihu

    Notify me anything about meta force


  6. Mustapha Bello avatar
    Mustapha Bello

    If i have 155 TR but no referal, how much force coin am i going to get in the end?


    1. Your still far away from understanding how Meta Force Coin and the entire Meta Force ecosystem works.

      Go through articles on this blog first to educate yourself on what Meta Force is all about and how to acquire Force Coin.


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