What Is Metaverse? | 5 Facts About Metaverse

The Metaverse – what is it, another buzzword or the future of gaming?
The Metaverse is a new world with its own rules, inhabitants, laws, and passage of time. It cannot be ended, erased, or paused. The world will live and develop regardless of our wishes. Whether you want to become a part of it or regret not joining years later is up to you.

Five facts about the Metaverse that you should know

The world may be virtual, but it’s highly realistic. You can do everything you’re used to in the real world: Buy clothes, build houses, make friends, build a career, make money and a million other things.

The currency of Metaverse has real world value. Unlike gamer points and levels, money in Metaverse isn’t exclusively dependent on the game itself. Bloomberg TV predicts the gaming market will grow to $800 billion by 2024, and many companies have taken that prediction seriously. For example, Nike has developed virtual shoes for sale and American singer Ariana Grande has already earned over forty million on the sale of digital souvenirs.

The Land in the Metaverse is getting more and more expensive, and it looks like it still has far more growth to come. Just imagine that just a year ago, in December 2021, one of the most inexpensive pieces of land in Decentraland cost $14,000. The reason for the price increase is finite resources and increased demand.

Metaverse Space is not rubber-stamped. As we said, world space is finite, and soon what is already happening in the real world will happen – the prices of liquid properties will skyrocket. Do the math: Each parcel is 16 meters. Decentraland has an area of 1,440,000 square meters (144 hectares), comparable to the size of half of Moscow.

Metaverse is not just for gamers. It is a mistake to think that The Metaverse is something from the realm of game technology. The world is real and severe enough that some states will likely eventually open embassies in The Metaverse. Very soon, the embassy of the state of Barbados will launch.


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Stay tuned for more news and possibilities for The Metaverse. We’ll get you more info soon!

10 responses to “What Is Metaverse? | 5 Facts About Metaverse”

  1. […] UniteVerse is one of the Meta Force Ecosystem Project, design to create more earning opportunities for its members in the Metaverse. […]


  2. […] is one of the layers of Meta Force System for consumer goods that are necessary both in the Metaverse, and in our real […]


  3. […] While it’s still in its early stages, play-to-earn shows a lot of promise and could be a key player in the future of the Metaverse […]


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  5. […] can use what you buy as a virtual item in the Metaverse, or you can trade it for a real-world […]


  6. […] We are starting to set up an ecosystem to launch Forcecoin, the Uniteverse program, and the Metaverse. […]


  7. […] we launch the Metaverse, early access (and the best features) will be available to active Uniteverse participants and […]


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  9. […] Metaverse of Meta Force is a groundbreaking leap in the Web3 industry. Real meets virtual – what will […]


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