Meta Force Smart Contract Royalty NFT: Everything You Need To Know

Dear participants, to solve all your doubts about MetaForce Smart Contract NFT royalty program here is the summary of everything you need to know.

Facts About MetaForce Smart Contract NFTs

1- This NFT program will be launched in the very near future. And as soon as it is launched, it will be possible to activate these NFTs.

What will be the conditions to activate these NFT ?
When the NFT program is launched, you will need to buy or activate at least 5 levels in the CLASSIC program.

I repeat, only when the NFT program is released.


This will be the only condition, to have at least 5 or more active levels of the CLASSIC program.

So it is advisable to activate these levels !

2- These NFTs can be pumped with the stable SFC tokens that we receive when we activate the levels or slots or baskets of the CLASSIC, but only in this first stage, then the only way to pump the NFTs will be with the help of another token called “Energy Token”.

Each pumped NFT will allow us to get passive income from royalties based on global turnover.

3- Each NFT represents one share.
This means that if you have several NFTs, then you have several shares which will allow you to receive more profit.

4- Likewise each NFT will be able to move up in status and that means that you will be able to get a higher and higher percentage % to the previous status based on the royalties generated by the global turnover.

How To Upgrade or Pump MetaForce Smart Contract NFTs

To upgrade status of Meta Force NFTs; you will need to merge 3 NFTs.


  • One NFT represents one share.
  • With a level 1 NFT (ACTIVATOR), you will be earning a royalty of 10% of the total global turnover.
  • With 3 NFT level 1 (ACTIVATOR); you will be able to merge it and upgrade to the next status level 2 (SUPERVISOR) which will allow you to get 11% of the global turnover.
  • Likewise 3 NFT (SUPERVISOR) will allow you to obtain 1 NFT (MANAGER) which will start generating 12% of the global turnover.
  • In the same way following the same dynamic you will continue to move up in status, every 3 NFT can merge and take you to the next level where you will get a higher percentage of royalty based on the global turnover:
  • AMBASSADOR (15%)
MetaForce NFT

Conditions For Qualifying For MetaForce Smart Contract NFTs

At the beginning , for having activated the levels in CLASSIC we are going to receive NFT with zero energy.

To be able to pump we can do it with the SFC that we receive at the moment of activating the levels or slot of CLASSIC.

We need our NFT to reach an energy power equivalent to 3500, as shown in the image.

When it reaches that power of energy, our NFT goes from being level zero (0) and becomes NFT level 1 ACTIVATOR state.

when this happens, that our NFT has just become ACTIVATOR NFT, the META FORCE system gives us another NFT of level zero, which we will have to pump in the same way as the first one, until it reaches energy power 3500 and becomes again that second NFT in ACTIVATOR,

it is worth mentioning that each ACTIVATOR NFT we have will give us 10% of the royalties based on the global turnover. And remember, each NFT represents 1 share. In this sense, if you manage to have 3 NFT of the ACTIVATOR type, you simply have in your hands 3 shares that will allow you to earn 10% of the global turnover, that is, you will receive the equivalent of 3 times what corresponds to you (because you have 3 shares).

Free NFTs


Following that same dynamic.
When we have 3 level 1 NFTs of type ACTIVATOR, you can merge it and this will make it become 1 level 2 NFT of type SUPERVISOR.
With this you will start receiving benefits of 11% of the global turnover.

Taking into account all of the above, the same dynamic is followed. That is, you will constantly be receiving NFT level zero and you will have to pump them to become ACTIVATOR, then when you have 3 NFT you can merge and move to the next status level and that will allow you to earn more percentage of the global turnover.

That’s why I mentioned that when you reach MANAGER type NFT status you will start getting 12%, and then when you have 3 MANAGER type NFTs you can merge them and they will become PROFESSIONAL MANAGER and that will earn you 13% of the global turnover.

Likewise every 3 NFT you can merge them and it becomes the following STATUS:

  • AMBASSADOR (15%)

That the last STATUS gives 25% of the overall turnover.
The more you advance the less people in those levels or STATES and that means that the less people, the more money that 25% will represent.

4 responses to “Meta Force Smart Contract Royalty NFT: Everything You Need To Know”

  1. […] NFT is now one of hotest commodity in recent time. From funny pop-tart cat memes that sold for $590,000 to nearly $3 million purchase of screenshots of the first tweet on twitter in 2006. […]


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  4. […] wrote a program and identified obvious cases of cheating. All of them are blacklisted, their NFTs cannot be transfered for the new […]


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