Starting tomorrow, Meta Force will commence the payment of Royalty bonuses, with a cautious approach to ensure maximum security.

Initially, only small amounts will be allowed into the payout pool, as a demo mode to thoroughly test the payout process.

Furthermore, for the holders of status NFTs who have not yet completed their migration, a grace period will be extended to allow them additional time to finish the transition.

Concurrently, the company will be conducting validation, detection, and bug-fixing processes to ensure a smooth operation.

The distribution of accumulated bonuses from the inception of the Coinset (the beginning of the Uniteverse) will be completed within 20 days, providing participants with timely compensation.

Following the commencement of the payments, the company will unveil new conditions that will be in effect alongside the launch of their Marketplace.

As per the initial agreement, the process of minting NFTs and acquiring Energy for charging and upgrading them will become progressively more challenging over time.

Moreover, there will be additional conditions introduced to maintain the highest possible payment standards for NFT holders. The objective is to ensure that Royalty bonuses are rewarded to those who truly merit them!


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